Angel's Resource is a non-profit to provide Cancer support & alternative medicine

call for info :  253-235-1362
It is safe to leave any message.

Please use the scheduling widget on the home page or  e-mail to submit your complete contact information.

We can help put you in touch with refering doctors if you would like. They can assess your medical records for authorized use of medicinal cannabis.

Complete application information includes all of the following:

Your name
contact number
mailing address
e-mail address
medical condition being treated
Date of Birth
copy of current ID
emergency contact name and number for our records.

We will ask for an application consisting of one of the originals of your medical authorization, and a form that designates Angel's Health Resource to be your providing collective.

The designation is revocable at any time

Once I verify the information given me, you can be a legal consumer making a donation for medicinal marijuana provided.